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Makeup Guru

TS EXCLUSIVE: Q&A With Sarah Palin's Makeup Artist, Amy Strozzi!

Borrowed from the team.

Since women across the country have been absolutely clamoring to know which makeup products Governor Sarah Palin was donning on the campaign trail, the TS team got in touch with celebrity and Emmy-nominated makeup artist Amy Strozzi, who just finished up her stint as Palin's official makeup artist on her race for the Vice Presidential office.

Now that Amy's back home and taking a much needed break from the political frenzy, she gave us an EXCLUSIVE first look inside the collection of makeup products she used to paint Palin's face! To say the least, the details are JUICY!

TS: Which brand(s) of cosmetics did you use when doing Governor Palin's makeup?

AS: I used various brands, as I usually do... in this case, I used a lot of Chanel and MAC as far as eye shadows and blushes...

TS: Have you come to favor one or two specific brands during your days as a makeup artist? If so, why?

AS: I love Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundations; they were originally formulated by Pat McGrath, makeup guru, and give an amazing coverage without being heavy. I also love Chanel eye shadows and MAC cream cheek colors. I probably have bits and pieces from every makeup line out there, whether it's found in a drugstore or Saks Fifth Avenue. L'Oreal Voluminous mascara (pictured; $7.60 at L'Oreal) in Carbon Black is a staple in my kit.

TS: Did you use the same brands on Governor Palin throughout the whole campaign for the most part, or did you mix it up a little?!

AS: I did generally use the same brands, mainly because there was very little time to find a makeup store and pick up anything new. Plus, I was very limited as to how much I could carry; it was a good exercise in creativity. I did switch up some techniques throughout though, and there was a moment where we switched to oil free face powder when the days began to get increasing long.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. I will be following.